Our online webinars are designed with one thing in mind, to provide Aged Care leaders with everything they need to know.

Join our Aged Care specialists for a session founded on extensive knowledge and expertise packed with the latest industry updates and research. All our webinars have a Q&A session at the end to elaborate on anything you would like to know, so you get the most out of it.

If you are have any questions or experiencing any difficulties please email hello@enkindle.com.au.

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Current Packages

Individual Pricing

Briefing: Aged Care Reform

$149.00 – Gain 72 hour access

We know how challenging it can be for busy Board Members, Governing Committees and Leaders to keep up to date with the Aged Care Reform agenda. 

To save you time and energy, we’ve compiled a concise overview of the Aged Care Reform in our 1.5-hour webinar. 

This quarterly webinar is designed to provide Board Members, Management Committees and Managers of home care organisations with a summary of everything they need to know about the Aged Care Reform, empowering you with the latest information and knowledge.

Aged Care Reform For Employees, Workers and Volunteers

$149.00 – Gain 72 hour access

This webinar is suitable for anyone working and volunteering in aged care.

In this webinar, we provide a concise picture of the Aged Care Reform and associated changes for Home Care, unpacking the following:

  • What we know about the Future State Aged Care Programs
  • Details of changes relating to regulation, compliance, and reporting
  • The reform priorities and timeframes
  • Free and subsidised opportunities for the workforce to develop their skills.
  • Government supports and Initiatives

Corporate Pricing

10 User Package

Briefing: Aged Care Reform

$900.00 – 10 Users Gain 72 hour access

We know how challenging it can be for busy Board Members, Governing Committees and Leaders to keep up to date with the Aged Care Reform agenda. 

To save you time and energy, we’ve compiled a concise overview of the Aged Care Reform in our 1.5-hour webinar. 

This quarterly webinar is designed to provide Board Members, Management Committees and Managers of home care organisations with a summary of everything they need to know about the Aged Care Reform, empowering you with the latest information and knowledge.

50 User Package
Aged Care Reform For Employees, Workers and Volunteers

$1300.00 50 Users – Gain 72 hour access

This webinar is suitable for anyone working and volunteering in aged care.

In this webinar, we provide a concise picture of the Aged Care Reform and associated changes for Home Care, unpacking the following:

  • What we know about the Future State Aged Care Programs
  • Details of changes relating to regulation, compliance, and reporting
  • The reform priorities and timeframes
  • Free and subsidised opportunities for the workforce to develop their skills.
  • Government supports and Initiatives

Our Speakers

Aged Care Strategists

Previously holding the CEO and Executive Director positions at Feros Care for 20 years, Jennene grew the business from a $3m annual turnover to a $100m enterprise. Now, she is the Founding Partner and Director of Enkindle Consulting, which exists to support Government, Peaks and Aged Care Providers through the next 5 years of reform to create a world-class Aged Care System.

Workforce and Aged Care Strategist

Tash brings her energy and passion for employee and consumer experience to the forefront. Over the past 10 years, she has led the design, build and implementation of several successful strategic workforce, leadership, culture, service deployment, product, design and business improvement projects within the aged care and disability industry.

Client Feedback

What our clients say about our webinars: