Enkindle cofounders Tash Edwards and Jennene Buckley were honoured to work with The Hatchery (Hub) at the recent Innovating Residential Aged Care Conference – speaking to attendees about workforce strategy and leading for change.

It was highlighted in discussions at the conference that there are difficult times ahead for providers in this reform.

  • Tough decisions will need to be made

Jennene spoke about how leaders need to be prepared for some strategies to “take a backseat so that there’s enough resourcing for this reform to be dealt with.”

Tash’s workshop highlighted that the one strategy that needs to be focused on to survive this reform is workforce strategy.

  • Leaders need support more than ever

In addition to frontline workforce shortages, many leaders and executives have just gone through 10 years of reform and two years of a pandemic. Many are questioning if they’re going to be able to get through the next four years of reform and deliver for their clients and staff.  

“For boards, the biggest risk you have right now is losing your executives because… right now you need them. It is as much of an issue as we’ve got with our frontline workforce,” Jennene said.

  • Now is the time to truly understand your customer

 Jennene also spoke about how now is the time to “really sit down and map out with consumers their journey from the moment they inquire with you to the day that they leave you”.

When you understand the journey and the experience of your clients, their aspirations and what they want to achieve and what impact you have on them, you make better decisions as management or an executive or a board.

 Get in touch to learn more about how Enkindle can help your organisation.