1. Building a rich understanding of your current client journey

  • What are their painpoints, what are the moments that matter?
  • Where are the areas for service innovation and improvement?
  • How does our service model need to change?
  • What is our roadmap for transformation?

2. Understanding where you make a margin and where you don’t

  • What are our true costs of providing an hour of service?
  • Considering our overheads, geographic location and unproductive time. Are we operating efficiently?
  • How can we streamline processes to reduce our overheads?

3. Developing a workforce strategy that considers your current and future workforce needs

  • What strategies do we need to deploy to find, attract, recruit and retain our most valuable asset?
  • How do we support the diversity of our teams?
  • Are we considering the changing employment models and workforce expectations to include flexibility, career opportunity and development?

4. Constructing a voice of  the customer program that elevates your brand

  • Quality indicators and star ratings are anticipated to hit Home Care in 2024, what can we do to be ready?
  • We need to create a feedback and engagement program that ensures we are listening to our clients daily and we have the system and culture to act on their concerns, requests, ideas and desires. An annual survey just wont cut it!

5. Reviewing and or establishing your digital & information technology strategy

  • How are we planning to ensure our organisation is incorporating modern solutions to meet our client, staff, funder and regulator expectations?
  • 21st Century Care involves AI, Apps, Smart Tech, Portals, Business Intelligence and Virtual Care Models.

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